Diabetes Care
According to the American Diabetes Association, more than 25% of seniors over age 65 have diabetes, both diagnosed or undiagnosed. If you need assistance with diabetes, contact All Ways HomeCare. With appropriate care running into complications with diabetes can be prevented. Helping our clients monitor their nutrition can help drastically keep blood sugar levels consistent. Our main goal is to make sure we provide our clients with a healthier living.
Exercise & Physical Activity
Our Certified Nursing Assistants can help get on a regular schedule of exercise, so workouts are timed to work well with eating and medication reminders. They can also provide assistance with exercises as needed. Call All Ways HomeCare for more information on a specific service plan.
Fall Prevention
Falls can be serious, especially for the elderly, seniors, and disabled individuals. Research shows that falls are the leading cause of injury and death in Americans of 65 years of age and older. Even if someone isn’t hurt after a fall, they may become afraid of falling again. The fear of falling causes individuals to limit their daily living activities.
Reducing Hospital Readmission
Many patients discharged from a hospital return within 30 days for the same or related health problems. This then causes further health issues, which with All Ways HomeCare are preventable. All Ways HomeCare can work with you and the hospital to help reduce the risks of admissions to the hospital by providing in-home care services to you.
Signs of Heart Disease or Heart Attack
In order to maintain good health, it’s important to keep stress levels at a manageable level. Both distress and heart attacks are signs of heart complications. We can be there for your loved ones.
Tight chest pain in the center of the chest, upper body pain, indigestion, shortness of breath, cold sweats, vomiting or nausea, dizziness, and increased heart rate with no cause are all the symptoms to look for when experiencing heart distress.
Pressure or tightness in the shoulders, neck, and jaw. Sometimes described as burning, and tingling in those areas. Sleep disturbances and unusual fatigue in the days or weeks leading up to a heart attack are all common symptoms of a heart attack.